Naveed A Rana, BA Business M.Sc Entrepreneurial Business Studies is a keen and passionate Conservative who dreams of a highly educated society where everyone is self-sufficient and can reach to the best of their abilities. He is also a keen traveller, a father, a political and community activist.
Having worked with Microsoft UK, Bank of Scotland and Inbev UK, his professional life was shaped within large multinational corporations which instilled the notion of Internationalism within his working life. Leading Naveed to set up his own businesses due to his Entrepreneurial spirit. Naveed aims to be able to help the next generation to become even better integrated and achieve excellence in all aspects of life.
Recently Naveed has been announced as the Chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum in Scotland. Helping to engage and promote the community he represents within the party.
He is also the Editor in Chief of Infinity News, an online community channel focusing on the Muslim community in Scotland, sharing news from the British government and passing on vital information regarding health and the economy. Naveed is active within the Scottish political arena, with good community links.