Scottish Conservatives friends of BAME (SCBAME) is an umbrella organisation working directly with the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party to support the BAME communities of Scotland. This organisation will support and inspire a diverse range of people to engage with the party and advocate and promote ideas for improving diversity and inclusion not just within the party but also with a range of partners, stakeholders and other key bodies. This organisation will support more people from BAME backgrounds into political life through awareness and education outreach programmes.
The SCBAME organisation will ensure that the BAME communities in Scotland are recognised by the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party for their contribution and commitment to Scotland.
There is no better time for Scotland to endorse those strong connections with BAME countries around the world and work together with both the Scottish and the UK Governments to better our economy in trade to grow a more prosperous Scotland.
Our objectives
- To create a platform for the BAME communities of Scotland to voice and better engage with the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, to allow their contribution to key issues and polices;
- To build and share best practice through an education and training outreach programme;
- To connect those within the party with shared goals on race equality to attract new voters, members and candidates;
- To identify and grow BAME talent within the Party, ensuring that they ‘have a seat at the table’ and their voices are heard;
- To retain and grow an inclusive membership by promoting diversity and equality and providing education and support where required;
- To connect and engage our BAME community groups nationally and locally with the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party to create better partnership working;
- To promote inward investment and trade in Scotland through connecting the BAME community countries around the world to better our economy;
- To act as a spokesperson for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party on race equality issues within the media and on panels, debates and discussions.